Universidad de Almeria University of Almeria Evolutionary Psychology and Education, HUM-498 Research Group Carretera de Sacramento. La Cañada de San Urbano, 04120 Almeri a/Spain
Website www.ual.es
Dr. David Padilla Gongora (director) dpadill@ual.es Maica Martinez maicamc1@gmail.com Remedios Lopez Liria liriareme@hotmail.com Daniel Catalán Matamoros dcatalan@ual.es Ana Martínez Martínes aloppie@ono.com Cesar Rodriguez Martín crrm_9@hotmail.com
The University of Almeria is a Spanish public institution of higher education that was born in 1993. Research is one of the most important goals for the institution. The University of Almeria maintains the highest quality in education and pays attention to the application of new technologies in research and academic activities, the adoption of new teaching methods, new educational systems, where the incorporation of students into the labor market are major challenges for educational institutions. The University has 12,344 students, 997 teachers and 478 administrative and service people. It has been underway for a University for nine years older and is making a determined bid for the integration of persons with disabilities in their classrooms. The institution has developed a specific unit : "The University for Elders" where elderly people can pursue their studies in different subjects obtaining qualifications, and where they can perform different cultural activities with their partners, in an educational and enriching way.
The lifelong Education and specially the education for elders has became one of the most important goals of the University and of our research group. Its research areas are focused on development, education and counselling with particular emphasis on research on disability and special needs, such us marginalized older people who want to continue to be activity after their retirement. Our research group pays particular attention to the needs of elders and it participated in previous Partnerships on this issue. We have coordinated different international projects with different countries of the European Union and Latin-America very related with the education for adults and majors and their inclusion and personal and psychological intervention.
Short description of the research group: PDF
Power Point presentation of the University of Almeria